The Referend Bier Blendery

1595 Reed Road #2, Pennington, NJ 08534

(609) 474-0443


BarDownBrews Rating

BDB Rating - 65

This will most likely NOT be your cup o' tea. We love the name and were very intrigued to check this place out. We were encouraged by folks playing cornhole outside and like the large open area as we walked in...also noted another brewery spinning vinyl...very cool. Yet the brakes slammed on to our fun afternoon of beer tasting. The story we got was they don't brew beer but rather source beers and put them through their fermentation process. After reading all of the descriptions of beers being offered, 2 people refused to try anything. Yet for the good of the website, several of us gave it a go. We "like" a sour every now and then but drinking full pours of it isn't appealing. No one enjoyed the beer they had so we quickly left for the nearest pub we could find (Firkin Tavern), to wash out the taste with some familiar craft and domestic beer.
If you absolute love sours, then you must check this place out...anything short of that, venture elsewhere.