Stitch House Brewery

829 N Market Street, Wilmington, DE 19801

(302) 250-4280


BarDownBrews Rating

BDB Rating - 86

This place is perfect for a group that is both hungry and thirsty. We thought we were visiting another brewery with a couple tables tossed in a corner. They have a full dining room with space to accommodate larger groups. The beers we had were good as we only got around to trying maybe half of them. Drunkle Dunkle seemed to be the crowd favorite. We have to admit we lost a few people to the other drink options. Not sure of the laws in Delaware but they offer wine, mixed drinks and some locale whiskeys. If you had your fill of beer or traveling with those pesky people who don't want to go to "another brewery", check this place out. The food was a big hit by all. The best item was their wings....they serve full know what they actually look like on a chicken. Tasty stuff and plenty of different types of adult beverages to wash it down. Come with a group and have a good time by all.

This staff member will need a new camera phone if he wishes to become full-time BDB.